Published On: Fri, Mar 20th, 2020

Gyms closed: How long will gyms be closed?


Boris Johnson has announced that gyms will be closed from tonight, and will not open tomorrow.

Gym-goers have been ignoring social distancing rules and heading to their classes and personal training sessions as normal.

But now, the Prime Minister has enforced the closure of non-essential public spaces across the UK, including:

  • Cafes
  • Pubs
  • Clubs
  • Restaurants
  • Nightclubs
  • Theatres
  • Cinemas
  • Leisure centres

The PM went on to say: “Your sacrifice means we are putting the country in a better and stronger position and we will be able to save thousands of lives”.

It is not certain when gyms and other public spaces will be reopened, but Mr. Johnson stated that measures will be assessed every month from now on. 

While you may be tempted to get in your last session for a while, Mr. Johnson stressed that no one should go out tonight to such venues- including gyms. 

He added that although this rule seems to go against the freedom-loving instincts of British people, “we will get through this – we will get through it together and beat this virus”.

READ MORE- UK lockdown: How long will pubs, bars and restaurants be closed?


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