Piers Morgan hits out at Boris Johnson over coronavirus diagnosis – ‘WOEFUL’ | UK | News
The GMB host took to his Twitter to vent his frustration against the government’s social distancing advice after the two key government officials were infected with covid-19. Piers who is known to use social media to share his opinions took the opportunity to express his scepticism of how the government are coping during this time of uncertainty.
He tweeted: “The fact Britain’s 3 most important people in the battle against Coronavirus have gone down on the same day says everything about our woeful & I fear disastrous social distancing strategy. “
“They can’t even practise it properly themselves.”
It comes as yesterday Prime Minister Boris Johnson tweeted that he was coronavirus positive and self-isolating.
The PM wrote: “Over the last 24 hours I have developed mild symptoms and tested positive for coronavirus.
“I am now self-isolating, but I will continue to lead the government’s response via video-conference as we fight this virus.
“Together we will beat this. #StayHomeSaveLives.”
This prompted a flurry of responses from concerned Britons, who were curious as to how he had received a test.
One tweeted: “How are you getting tested yet frontline staff can’t get a test. How demoralising to NHS you were clapping for just a few hours ago.”
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He tweeted: “Following medical advice, I was advised to test for #Coronavirus.
“I‘ve tested positive. Thankfully my symptoms are mild and I’m working from home & self-isolating.
“Vital we follow the advice to protect our NHS & save lives.”
This was followed by England Chief Medical Office Chris Whitty”s announcement that he was suffering symptoms “compatible with COVID-19.”
However, Rishi Sunak assured the public that they would be working from home as he uploaded a photo of himself at a computer while wishing his colleagues “speedy recovery”.
Yesterday 181 people died from the virus in Britain.
It takes the total number of UK deaths to 759, with 14,543 confirmed cases.
After criticism from the public, testing will soon be carried out on NHS staff showing possible symptoms of the virus or staff who live with people who have symptoms.
“This will be antigen testing – testing whether people currently have the disease – so that our health and social care workers can have security in the knowledge that they are safe to return to work if their test is negative,” Mr Gove said.
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