Published On: Sun, Apr 26th, 2020

Martin Lewis explains the 12 furloughing need-to-knows for employees and small firms


The aim is to protect economic victims of coronavirus, and leave them ready to return straight to work, to kick start the economy once this is over. Yet for some employees and small employers, especially those without HR functions, furloughing can seem complex. This in itself may be stopping some from agreeing to implement this important financial lifetime.

  • If staff left after 28 Feb for redundancy or a new job, they can be rehired and furloughed
    Employees on the payroll on 28 Feb who were made redundant can be rehired to be furloughed, providing the reason they don’t have income now is an economic knock-on effect of coronavirus (eg their new employer retracted job offer/made them redundant).

The grant will come at the end of April, so firms may struggle with cash flow to cover salaries before the payment is made. If so, a discussion about not paying the salary in full until the payment arrives may help all parties – if it enables a firm to furlough rather than make redundant.

Martin Lewis is the Founder of To join the 13 million people who get his free Money Tips weekly email, go to


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