Published On: Fri, Nov 27th, 2020

Trump 2024 warning: President won’t ‘simply exit stage’ as he prepares to overshadow Biden | World | News


Donald Trump has said he will leave the White House if the US electoral college confirms Joe Biden‘s win. This comes after a federal appeal’s court rejected attempts by the US President’s campaign to bloc Mr Biden from being declared the winner in Pennsylvania. Niall Stanage, a columnist at The Hill, spoke to Sky News about whether Mr Trump would stand again in the 2024 presidential election.

He said: “I think he will keep alive the possibility of standing again.

“Simply because he likes to be the centre of attention.

“He’s not going to exit the stage and golf in Florida for the rest of his life, in my opinion.

“But whether he will actually make a run in 2024 is more debatable.”

READ MORE: Trump 2024: US President would definitely be nominated for re-election

Mr Stanage continued: “If he ran in 2024, he would be 78 by the time of that election.

“Same age as Biden is now but is that what Trump really wants to do?

“Or does he want the TV coverage and the attention and the rallies and excitement that go with the idea that he might run?

“That is more enticing rather than the hard work of actually running.”

Experts and officials said there has been no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 US elections.

The election process was secure and voter fraud of any type is incredibly rare, according to The Associated Press and Reuters.

Courts have overwhelmingly rejected the arguments of the Trump team.

Almost 40 cases have been taken by the President and his allies.

However they have lost all but one of them so far.


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