Published On: Thu, Apr 22nd, 2021

COVID-19: Burning Man festival may require visitors to be vaccinated before arriving | Ents & Arts News


Organisers for Burning Man in the US are considering requiring festivalgoers to be vaccinated before they attend the event.

Those running the festival, which is held in the Nevada desert, had said earlier in the month that COVID-19 vaccinations would be mandatory, but have now backtracked slightly following criticism from fans.

Festival chief Marian Goodell admitted earlier in the week that she had “misspoke” on the issue, revealing that a decision has not yet been made on the vaccination requirement for entry.

At Burning Man, a giant wooden man is literally burned. Pic: AP
At Burning Man, a giant wooden man is literally burned. Pic: AP

Ms Goodell added that the festival was planning its own guidelines on mandatory vaccines, and will submit a health and safety plan to state and county officials, saying: “We are weighing the gravity of what that does.”

She also said that they understand people in other countries do not have the same access to vaccines as people in the US, and most children will not receive a jab.

“That’s not quite figured out yet. There are plenty of people that are challenging whether it is necessary,” she said.

“We hear you. The question of vaccines and how to basically require them, and even from a logistical standing, frankly – all of that, we’re taking a look at.

“At this point, the government agencies involved in collaborating with us have been really super supportive and super helpful.

“They are not putting up any roadblocks. We are all looking at the resources to have to make it happen and get this done.”

There is also no decision on testing yet, and whether that will be part of the event.

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Organisers are also scaling down attendance this year to 69,000 from its usual 80,000.

Earlier this month, the Biden administration announced that every adult in the country would be eligible for the vaccine, with more than 200 million jabs so far distributed across the US.


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