Published On: Sat, Apr 24th, 2021

When can I stay over with friends? All you need to know as lockdown ends


Lockdown was further eased on Monday, April 12, as non-essential shops were allowed to reopen alongside outdoor hospitality and gyms. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has urged caution, warning people not to overdo things and continue sticking to safety measures like mask-wearing and adhering to social distancing guidelines when out and about. The vaccination progress continues in the UK, with most people having had at least one dose of the vaccine and bodes well for the future of unlocking further measures.

When can I stay over with friends?

In England, overnight stays away from home are now allowed – but only in self-contained accommodation.

Government guidance states that accommodation that doesn’t need shared use of bathing, entry/exit, catering or sleeping facilities have been allowed to go ahead since April 12.

However, this accommodation should only be used by members of the same household or support bubble.

This means if you’re not in a support bubble or live in the same households with the friends you want to stay over with, you can’t right now.

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This includes hotels with en-suite facilities, caravan and holiday homes where facilities are not shared.

However, guests staying at self-contained accommodation must be from the same household or support bubble under current rules.

The earliest date when different households are expected to be able to meet indoors, including for overnight stays, is May 10.

In Northern Ireland, it hasn’t yet been confirmed when overnight stays with a different household will be allowed, but again, this is only likely to be in stage three of the country’s roadmap, dates for which haven’t yet been announced.


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