Published On: Thu, Mar 19th, 2020

Coronavirus: Celebrity fitness coaches help people stay active amid virus isolation | Ents & Arts News


Joe Wicks is hoping to become the nation’s self-styled PE teacher from next week as schools across the country shut their doors due to the coronavirus.

Wicks, also known as “The Body Coach”, who has millions of followers on social media, will do live workouts every day at 9am, aimed at kids who will now be staying at home.

He has transformed his living room into a permanent studio after the success of his previous workouts, and he says he is incredibly passionate about the power of exercise for body and mind.

Speaking to Sky News, Wicks said: “You can take part with the kids or watch them and encourage them.

Joe Wicks gives his top tips for anyone staying home during the coronavirus outbreak.

Joe Wicks’ top tips for staying home

“It’s going to really let out some steam – make them feel a bit positive and a bit more optimistic and everyone should get involved.

‘It’s all about no equipment, just using your body and it could be 15 minutes, 20 minutes – it really is enough to get you feeling good.

“It’s all about feeling energised, motivated and positive and we need that more than ever right now.”

Also encouraging people to get active is Mr Motivator – the exercise guru who put us through our paces in the 90s.

He is now working with the elderly to ensure they stay independent – and his message is the same for everyone.

“I’ve got this wonderful thing called the curative power of exercise – the more you do it – the better you feel,” he said.

“It’s time out from everything – when you’re doing exercise no one can invade your space – you’re going to feel so good.”

As gyms, spinning and yoga classes, football and rugby matches are cancelled, people will increasingly look to social media platforms for exercise.

Schools generic pic

Schools shutdown creates exam uncertainty

However, with sunny weather forecast this weekend many people will be also looking to get outside.

Current government advice recommends people without symptoms to go for a walk if they stay at least two metres away from each other.

Given that research shows getting out into nature is great for both physical and mental well being, it will be more important than ever.


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