Published On: Mon, Mar 23rd, 2020

Coronavirus UK: People in THIRTIES with coronavirus are fighting for lives | UK | News


Dr Rosena Allin-Khan warned the number of coronavirus cases in London is growing quickly, as she admitted patients in their thirties are now being affected and left fighting for their lives. The Labour MP said the UK is heading for a disaster after serving a weekend shift at St. George’s Hospital in Tooting, south London. Speaking to the BBC, Dr Allin-Khan said: “There is a very real sense that the number of cases is growing and now growing very, very quickly.

“Some of the most startling news seems to be that some of the sickest patients that we have had in this department recently have been young.

“We have patients who are in their 30s and early 40s who were previously fit and well who are now in intensive care and fighting for their lives.

“This is a virus which is very, very difficult to predict.”

Dr Allin-Khan said patients with other health conditions had to be moved to children’s wards to make space for COVID-19 and predicted doctors will soon have to make the heartbreaking decision of who does and does not get the last ventilator.

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More than 5,600 people in the UK have been diagnosed with coronavirus in the past months, with almost 300 patients dying because of the virus.

In the early stages of the pandemic, the majority of sufferers were to be found among vulnerable age groups or among those with pre-existing health conditions.

Health worker Areema Nasreen, 36, was reported to be in intensive care in Walsall, West Midlands, after testing positive to coronavirus last Friday.

Ms Nasreen’s sister Kazeema said she is currently in critical condition but making little progress as she urged Britons to take coronavirus seriously.

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Boris Johnson may enforce lockdown measures within 24 hours amid concern members of the public are not listening to the Government’s warnings.

Under the lockdown, movements could be restricted by the police. Curfews have been imposed in Italy, Spain and France while parks and all shops have except supermarkets and pharmacies have also been closed.

Fines have also been issued if members of the public venture out for non-essential trips.

The Government has also sent out 1.5 million letters to the elderly and those who are vulnerable to the virus.

The letters ordered those groups to remain at home as part of a “shielding” process to protect them from the rest of the public


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