Published On: Mon, Mar 23rd, 2020

Idris Elba's Wife Tests Positive For Coronavirus


Idris Elba’s wife, Sabrina, has tested positive for coronavirus, according to CNN.

This comes a week after her husband revealed he had the virus.

“I wanted to be with him,” Sabrina told Oprah Winfrey of her decision to isolate with her husband, saying she had the “instinct of a wife” to take care of him.

Both Idris and Sabrina say they feel healthy despite the diagnosis.

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Breaking News

BREAKING: British Actor, Idris Elba, Tests Positive For Coronavirus

“I don’t feel anything that would come to what people would now expect to be a symptom of Coronavirus, which is really strange,” Sabrina said. “It might change in the coming weeks, and we’ll keep everyone updated.

“Actually, I found out this morning that I tested positive,” Sabrina told Oprah in a FaceTime interview Saturday. 

Idris said he hasn’t witnessed any major symptom.

“It’s interesting and worrying that people are possibly carrying this disease and are seemingly okay, but can spread it easily,” he said.




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Saharareporters, New York

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