Published On: Mon, Mar 23rd, 2020
Music | By

Tom Jones on awkward John Lennon snub and squaring up to The Beatles star | Music | Entertainment


Tom Jones opened up on his relationship with John Lennon in a past interview with Channel Bee. In a newly uncovered video, the Delilah hitmaker recalled how he and nearly got into a fight with The Beatles star the first time they ever crossed paths. He explained how they had first met when both acts were appearing on Thank Your Lucky Stars back in the mid-1960s.

“I had It’s Not Unusual out, my first hit record, in 1965,” Jones said. “The Beatles were on the show.

“I went to watch them rehearse in the afternoon. I’m sitting there where the audience would be later on with my manager Gordon Mills.

“I’m waiting for The Beatles to come on; I want to watch them rehearse,” he remembered.

But when Lennon did eventually arrive on the stage, things nearly turned sour.


The Beatle started off by singing a line from Jones’ song but changing the words.

“John Lennon was the first one out on the floor and he looks up at me and he says [to the tune of It’s Not Unusual], ’It’s not a unicorn it’s an elephant,’” Jones said.

“He said, ‘How you doing you Welsh p**f?’

“I said, ‘Come up here you Scouse p***k, I’ll show you!’” the Welsh-born star recalled of how he had instantly squared up to Lennon.

Jones remembered how Lennon, who was introduced on the night as John Lennon Etc. alongside a band he had put together for the event, sang Stand By Me.

But it was behind the scenes that Lennon faced an awkward snub in favour of the It’s Not Unusual singer.

“We were waiting to go on stage and hanging in the wings and Lord Mountbatten was there — I think he was Master of Ceremonies,” Jones said in the interview.

“He walks up to me and passes John Lennon. He comes up to me and he says, ‘Mr Jones, the Royal Family think you’re wonderful.’

“I said, ‘Oh, thank you very much, Sir,’” he continued, starting to chuckle.

But The Beatles musician wasn’t so impressed at being passed over for Jones.

“Lennon was going, Hey, hey! OBE, me, you know. OBE!’” Jones laughed, impersonating the star’s Liverpool accent.

“And [Lord Mountbatten] just kept walking. So I was laughing,” he added.


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