Published On: Mon, Mar 23rd, 2020
Movies | By

The Suicide Squad: Filming FINISHED before coronavirus outbreak? James Gunn ‘editing’ | Films | Entertainment


The Suicide Squad is scheduled for release next summer but many of Hollywood’s projects are facing uncertainty in the wake of the novel coronavirus outbreak. All around the world, cinemas are closing their doors and productions are coming to a halt as people are told to socially distance in order to slow the spread of COVID-19. By the sounds of it, however, The Suicide Squad might have completed filming before the pandemic broke out.

Speaking to his 702,000 Twitter followers, director James Gunn said he was currently editing the film from the safety and comfort of his own home in California.

Asked what he was doing to pass the time these days, the filmmaker replied: “Working on The Suicide Squad edit (from home), writing, meditating, exercising, talking with my gf, talking with others on my phone, playing with my cat and dog, making a Spotify playlist for you guys, @criterionchannl and doing what I can to help others while locked up in my house!”

Gunn appeared to imply The Suicide Squad had finished shooting and was now on to the editing phase.

It’s still unknown how far into the future the coronavirus will impact on movie releases.


Meanwhile, Gunn also spoke out about the coronavirus, telling his Twitter followers: “People here in California are generally taking things seriously, which is great!

“But as I understand it a lot of folks are still crowded on beaches and hiking trails. This is definitely NOT safe.

“It is also NOT safe to be visiting friends, even if they are also quarantining.”

Elsewhere, Gunn, who frequently engages with fans via social media, revealed he does not have any desire to join the Star Wars franchise in the future.

The Guardians of the Galaxy director has been keeping fans entertained by recommending movies to watch amid social distancing and isolation and urging people to follow healthcare experts and governments’ advice when it comes to helping to curb the spread of the virus.

The Suicide Squad will not be a sequel to 2016’s Suicide Squad, despite the similarity in the titles.

Producer Peter Safran previously told “It’s called The Suicide Squad. It’s not Suicide Squad 2. It is not a sequel.”

While Jared Leto’s Joker has been dropped from the gang in the time between Suicide Squad and The Suicide Squad, the cast for Gunn’s standalone movie is still star-studded.

Margot Robbie is returning as Harley Quinn and Viola Davis is back as Amanda Walker.

Joel Kinnaman is reprising his role as Rick Flag and Jai Courtney is also coming back as Captain Boomerang.

If that wasn’t enough, a number of huge names have been announced for yet unknown roles.

Idris Elba, Storm Reid, Flula Borg, Nathan Fillion, Taika Waititi, Pete Davidson and Peter Capaldi will all be appearing in the upcoming film.

The Suicide Squad is released in the UK August 6, 2021.


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