Published On: Fri, Mar 27th, 2020

A Call For COVID-19 Relief Bill And Work At Home System By Favour Ayodele (PhD)


“Federal Government and Private Institutions should embark on workforce innovative platform”

Coronavirus is pandemic, it’s not under control. No one can determine the timeline, the virus do. So, nations are now conditioned to redirect their course, program, system, constitutions, fundamental policies etc. 

We need all hands on deck for this new way of life/living. It will cause more havoc if this virus stay longer than expected and nothing is done to keep the citizens while the country is on lockdown mode.

COVID-19 has come to hit three most significant parts of the world system: health, economy, social activities (HES).

Less talk on origin of the virus but look into the negative impact it’s creating on global system right now. The picture is so clouded, meaning no one can precisely think through to which extent this trial period will last. 

Now a quick catalyst should be in place by the Nigerian Government, and I will say, this is not a period to loot money or be selfish or do anything against our livelihood but rather a reflection to stabilise our country no matter what. 

President and his team need to quickly engage telecoms, AI, IoT, OI, digital service agencies etc to start creating a workable and comfortable environment while we stay at home to reduce the spread which is the best method for now. 

Since only hospital workers will likely find it difficult to stay at home, provision must not suffer epileptic attention in order to put our economic and health state stable as some other institutions can manage the situation by working from home. 

A consideration to launch war on COVID-19 by the FG as the pandemic is accelerating vastly.  

On this terrain, I suggest, let there be a COVID-19 Relief Bill for people’s sustainability while we stay at home. The situation can be managed as the health combat team are engaging.

I suggest President Muhammadu Buhari and other African leaders come with a scientific and technological plan quickly for work at home system to keep our institutions moving. Peradventure, US, UK, China etc exhaust their helping hands towards African community; and lo, we can’t keep depending on them forever. 

Therefore, investing into health, education, technology etc sectors is what a good leader with foresight must think through.

The Nigerian Government should jettison every selfish bill against national fundamentalism.  

Leadership and good governance is highly required now. This is not a selfish period, I repeat. Help is all we need. Let’s keep praying and have faith

Favour Ayodele (PhD), was a Presidential aspirant in 2019 and Convener, Third Force Forum -3FF



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Favour Ayodele

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