Published On: Wed, Apr 29th, 2020

Donald Trump vows to take action on China and WHO and find truth behind coronavirus | World | News


Mr Trump said Wednesday that he is considering recommendations on how to retaliate against China and the WHO due to the coronavirus pandemic. He said: “We’re not happy about it, and we are by far the largest contributor to WHO,” He added: “They misled us. They’re literally a pipe organ for China.”

The president has instructed US intelligence agencies to look into whether the WHO and China withheld information about the coronavirus pandemic earlier this year.

The US president said today to reporters at the White House that, “we’re coming up with a very distinct recommendation”.

He added: “But we’re not happy with it.”

“We’re lucky that we stopped it in January flowing into our country from China.”

Mr Trump lauded his own decision to shut down travel from China to the US earlier this year.

The president said the World Health Organization was acting like it worked for China, and said he would soon be issuing a “recommendation” on how to deal with WHO and China.

Referring to what type of action he may take and the ongoing investigations into the supposed cover-up, Mr Trump added: “It’s coming in, I’m getting pieces already.

“There’s nothing positive about what happened in China.”

The US president said he would be coming out soon with a way to reprimand the WHO, then he said, “China is to follow.”

In his speech to reporters at the White House, Mr. Trump reiterated that the disease “could have been stopped at the source” in Wuhan, China, late last year.

Since reaching the US in January, the virus has infected more than 1 million Americans and claimed the lives of more than 58,000.

The US president added that the Chinese government should have been able to stop the virus.

He added: “And then why did China allow planes to fly out,

“but not into China?”

“Planes were coming out of Wuhan and going all over the world.

“They were going to Italy, very big time to Italy.

“But they’re not going into China. What was that all about? We’re not happy with it.”

More to follow…


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