Easy quiz questions and answers
Across the UK, weekly quiz nights have grown in popularity amid lockdown – with the ability to easily speak with friends and family on apps like Zoom, Houseparty and Google Hangouts. Quiz rounds can be fun to put together – with a wide range of topics to choose from.
These can be music, film, history, science and more.
Quizzes can be as easy or difficult as you like – with the option to make it easier for any children who want to take part.
Or you can be kind and throw in an easy question or two during a hard round.
If you’re struggling to come up with some easy questions, Express.co.uk has rounded up a few.
Read More: Travel quiz questions and answers: 15 questions for you home pub quiz
Easy quiz questions: Easy quiz questions and answers (Image: GETTY)
Easy quiz questions: Here are some easy questions for your family pub quiz (Image: GETTY)
Easy quiz questions and answers
1. How many wives did Henry VIII have?
2. Where would you find the Golden Gate bridge?
3. What does BBC stand for?
Easy quiz questions: Keeping in touch with family has never been easy (Image: GETTY)
11. What is the smallest planet in the solar system?
12. H2O is the chemical formula for what?
13. Maris Piper and King Edward are varieties of what?
14. Who starred as Edward Scissorhands?
15. Brie and Camembert are types of which food?
Easy quiz questions: Pub quizzes are sweeping the nation (Image: GETTY)
1. 6
2. San Francisco
3. British Broadcasting Corporation
4. Kid
5. Badger
6. Santa’s little helper
7. Stratford-upon-Avon
8. Johnny Depp
9. Kent
10. Kylie Jenner
11. Mercury
12. Water
13. Potato
14. Johnny Depp
15. Cheese
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