Published On: Tue, Dec 29th, 2020

2021 health horoscope: Russell Grant astrology forecast for your wellbeing – horoscopes


Sagittarius (Nov 23/Dec 21)

A longing for adventure and excitement may not be appeased for a while so be patient. There are a number of challenges ahead and one of your priorities should be to make good decisions about your health and wellbeing. Taking common sense measures like eating nutritious meals, taking regular exercise and avoiding toxic situations will be critical to your happiness and well-being. Expanding your horizons through travel, study and adventure will bring you most fulfilment later in the year. Connecting with your spiritual side will also be rewarding. Adopting a positive outlook will open doors for you in November.

Capricorn (Dec 22/Jan 20) 

Getting out in nature can help you stop brooding on daily worries. Listening to music and spiritual pursuits will relax you and bring you a sense of peace. Visiting quiet places and mixing with caring, supportive people will make you feel good between March and July. Work on creating a comfortable routine to keep a balanced lifestyle. It is not obligatory that you take on every request being made on you. By the autumn you will have learned the benefit of putting your own needs first, occasionally.


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