Published On: Tue, Aug 10th, 2021
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Elvis Presley death: The King ‘stopped’ the rain just hours before he died say witnesses | Music | Entertainment


Jo continued: “It was a light rain and [Elvis] said, ‘Well, watch this!’ and he just kinda [waved his hand] and it stopped raining. But we knew it was a coincidence, even he knew it was a coincidence!

“He didn’t compare himself to anything like that and we all laughed about it and had a few hairs on our necks stand up and we went off.”

At the racquetball court Elvis would give his last performance to the other three, singing and playing Unchained Melody and Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain.

Upon returning to the Graceland mansion around 6am, Elvis briefly saw his daughter Lisa Marie who he kissed good night.


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