Published On: Sun, Feb 2nd, 2020

Auschwitz saved for future to ensure we never forget | World | News


Last week survivors gathered for a ceremony to mark the 75th anniversary of their liberation by the Soviet army. Auschwitz has become the dominant symbol of the six million Jews slaughtered in the Holocaust, 1.5 million of them children. 

Conservationists working at the camp, 40 miles west of Krakow in southern Poland, say tens of millions raised by the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation over the past decade have helped prevent the Unesco World Heritage site rotting away.

Last year £2.5million was spent on conservation projects at the camp to maintain brick barracks and the ruins of the gas chamber and crematorium. 

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab last week pledged a £1million donation on behalf of Britain. In December Germany pledged a further £50million. 

The site, which the Polish government has maintained as a museum and memorial, comprises 155 buildings and many thousands of artefacts but has been deteriorating due to the ravages of time. 

In 2011 museum director Piotr Cywinski made an emotional appeal to raise £122million. Referring to other camps, he said: “There are no more remains of Treblinka, Kulmhof, Sobibor and Belzec. Let us not allow the biggest of these death camps – and the only one that is still recognisable – to fall into decay due to the ravages of time and our indifference.” 

In the intervening years, Jolanta Banas-Maciaszczyk, head of the preservation department, has worked with a team of 48 conservationists to preserve the site. 

She said: “We are working all the time to confront this issue. The gas chambers at Birkenau are a project in themselves. The next stage will start this year. 

“Last year we did some construction and preservation works in a dressing room of ­crematorium No 3. 

“What I can tell you is that we are working tirelessly with these buildings and objects to preserve them for as long as is possible. 

“Now we are working to preserve the brick barracks at Birkenau in sector B1. This is a major project. 

“We are also working with wooden objects and the crematoria. The objects we are dealing with are often difficult to preserve.” 

Speaking about the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation, Ms Banas-Maciaszczyk, said: “This is the new way of financing preservation works which has been in place for the past decade after the Foundation was set up in 2009.”


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