Published On: Wed, Feb 16th, 2022

Daily horoscope for February 17: Your star sign reading for today


Jupiter, Uranus, Mars, Saturn and the Moon are all getting up to mischief today, and it’s going to be in our favour. Look forward to good luck, money, creativity, a strong work ethic and motivation. reveals your horoscope, star sign reading, astrology and zodiac forecast for February 17.

The main event of the day is Jupiter forming a sextile to Uranus, which Astrology King said brings personal freedom, good fortune, and creativity that make your life richer and more exciting.

The site advised: “You should be enthusiastic to learn and experience all you can.

“Unexpected opportunities and lucky breaks are likely. This should be a weekly horoscope to take risks to increase your wealth.”

Sounds perfect, doesn’t it? It reckoned it’s going to be an “enlightening one” where we are open to “new energies, approaches, and attitudes” and our outlook is “positive and optimistic”.

The mystics said: “Fortunate events occur as a direct result of our willingness to entertain the unusual and think outside the box.”

READ MORE- Horoscopes & love: Most ‘adventurous’ sign to expand ‘horizons’

Magical Jupiter sextile Pisces inspires “faith in new beliefs and serendipitous happenings”.

Cafe Astrology said: “We’re doing comfort, downtime, art, and pleasure in different, non-traditional ways at this time, and this attitude can open new worlds for us, even in little ways.

“We can find unique or unusual ways to enjoy ourselves or help and inspire others.

“We might bring out the best in one another by recognising each other’s unique talents.

“This transit can also improve our optimism and a positive mindset.

“We might profit, spiritually benefit, or boost business through new industries and novel approaches.”

There are a couple of other transits happening today that will impact our moods.

For example, Mars is semisextile Saturn, which brings the determination and endurance to succeed at almost anything.

Astrology King said: “You can methodically plan out your course of action in the most efficient way.

“A strong work ethic and attention to detail mean you can attack complex and difficult tasks.”

Venus is also semisextile Saturn, increasing your need for companionship (but it must be serious and true love).

The site added: “With an existing partner, you will want reassurance or more commitment.
“New relationships are possible but you will not be interested in one-night stands.”

The Moon is in Virgo all today, so we’ll all be gravitating to practical activities and helping others.

Cafe Astrology said: “The Moon opposes Jupiter in Pisces early afternoon, however, and we could be tempted to go overboard to combat boredom.

“We instinctually gravitate towards practical activities under the influence of a Virgo Moon.
“In an urge to set things right, we might easily find ourselves re-organising and rethinking plans.

“Emotional satisfaction comes from solving problems, making order out of confusion, and helping others. Health matters might come into focus.

“We notice the smaller parts that make up the whole, and instead of letting nagging details bother us, we might work on ironing them out so that we can feel more confident moving ahead.”


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