Writing about a deadly toxin could’ve jailed crime writer M W Craven | Books | Entertainment
[ad_1] Crime writer M W Craven (Image: PA) When Mike Craven sent the draft of his novel The Botanist to a scientist friend, the response wasn’t quite what he had anticipated. “He got straight back and told me I could face ten years in prison for revealing the recipe for ricin,” explains the Carlisle-born novelist with a wry smile. “Even More...
Rinder thinks Cumberbatch could star in an adaptation of his thriller | Books | Entertainment
[ad_1] Barrister-turned-broadcaster Rob Rinder thinks his friend Benedict Cumberbatch would be the ideal choice to star in a TV adaptation of his debut thriller The Trial. He recalls how Cumberbatch, who he met More...
The appeal of True Crime stories? Keeping yourself safe in a dangerous world | Books | Entertainment
[ad_1] Cillian Murphy and Jamie Bell appeared in Retreat, the pandemic-based film Janice Hallett co-wrote (Image: REX/Shutterstock) Having co-written a chilling horror film about survivors of a mysterious More...
Tragedy of Robert Oppenheimer the flawed genius who built the atom bomb | Films | Entertainment
[ad_1] Atom Bomb God Father Oppenheimer, (Image: Getty) Amid a phalanx of eager reporters and the popping of photographers’ flash bulbs, Cillian Murphy strides purposefully towards the camera, lean and handsome More...
Death or glory: Why Teddy Roosevelt wanted to send cavalry into No Man’s Land | History | News
[ad_1] 1,000 horsemen storming at full gallop across the battlefield (Image: Getty) The last major German offensive on the Western Front was launched 105 years ago this weekend. The Second Battle of the Marne More...
A puppy gave me my life back at 78, says author Lesley Pearse | Books | Entertainment
[ad_1] Lesley Pearse and her new puppy, Barney, in Devon (Image: Lesley Pearse) My ruby King Charles Cavalier Stan had been my companion and dearest friend for 12 years. Without him, I think I would have gone More...
The war heroes from the Battle of Britain still missing in action | History | News
[ad_1] Edward ‘Eddie’ Egan, pictured by his Hurricane in 1940 (Image: RAF ASSOCATION KENLEY & CATERHAM) When Grace Egan opened her door to a Post Office telegram boy on September 18, 1940, she knew More...
Hostage negotiator on the heartbreaking failure that still haunts him 15 years on | UK | News
[ad_1] As a police hostage and crisis negotiator John Sutherland saved dozens of lives during his 25-year career — but he is still haunted by the one negotiation he could not resolve. The former senior Metropolitan More...
Chris Mullin: The greatest diarist since Alan Clark is back with another volume | Books | Entertainment
[ad_1] Former Labour MP Chris Mullin (Image: Steve Bainbridge.) He never attained Cabinet rank or held one of the great offices of state. He was no mesmerising orator like his ally Tony Benn or an electoral More...
‘I wanted to created a medieval Saving Private Ryan,’ says Dan Jones | Books | Entertainment
[ad_1] Dan Jones releases his new book, ‘Essex Dogs’ (Image: Getty) It is the largest amphibious invasion so far in British history. Waves of determined men crammed into small boats, foundering More...