Published On: Wed, Dec 30th, 2020
Sports | By

Lewis Hamilton to be knighted as Boris Johnson uses loophole to honour F1 world champion | F1 | Sport


“It is very surreal, when you grew up watching the news like everyone else, hearing your name in the House of Lords or the House of Commons or in Parliament.

“It is very very surreal to hear that with all the things going on in the world that they have a moment and acknowledge the work that I have done.

“As far as I am aware, there is a lot of talk and I have not really thought a lot about it, but it would be an incredible honour.

“There is no greater honour that your country recognising you and honouring you with such an award.”

Hamilton will look to become an eight-time F1 world champion next season and set a new benchmark as the greatest ever driver in the sport.


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