Published On: Tue, Feb 16th, 2021

Rishi Sunak issued online sales tax warning amid ‘Amazon tax’ speculation | Personal Finance | Finance


“While it’s been nicknamed the ‘Amazon Tax’, the reality is that it won’t impact the big players in the market but will stifle the growth of so many independent British retailers which have relied on online sales as a lifeline over the past twelve months.

“In the past few years, headway has been made in growing Britain’s own eCommerce industry.

“We’re gaining traction in developing a retail ecosystem that works for retailers and customers, that protects and supports small businesses and encourages people into bricks and mortar stores.

“An online sales tax will only damage this developing UK industry before it really gets off the ground and that concerns me for the sector.”

Mr Paton went on to acknowledge how the tax would affect the OnBuy marketplace, as well as raising concerns for smaller businesses.

“As an online marketplace, we’ll of course feel the impact of this type of tax, but I am far more concerned about the millions of entrepreneurs and SMEs across the country,” he said.


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